Our messenger bags are created in house and are quality heavy duty bags made from durable canvas material and feature metal hardware.
We were not happy with the bags on the market so we created our own. You won't find this quality bag anywhere else!
The bag features large front pockets, an inner padded laptop pocket, and it's customizable dye-sublimated flap is removable to allow you to change up designs without having to buy a whole new bag.
Our art department will help ensure your design looks fantastic when it is transferred to these stylish and functional bags.
The bag flaps are dye-sublimated using the same process as our playmats. Consider a matching set to have your favorite design on the gaming table and on the go!
Canvas messenger bag with velcro closure. Removable/interchangeable dye-sub front flap.
No minimum order quantity, but pricing is better for larger orders.