Level 5 judge and all around fun guy Jason Lemahieu has been added and will join us for the VIP dinner. The roster now includes RK Post, Clint Cearly and Chuck Lukacs as well as Luis Scott Vargas.
You can win an invitation to this Saturday night Dinner at a fantastic restaurant for you and a friend by competing in the “VIP Dinner” event.
VIP Dinner “Standard” Sealed!
Format: Sealed Deck event featuring 1 pack from each set legal in standard
Entry Fee: $25
Start Time: 4 pm
Straight swiss rounds.
3 packs per player in the prize pool plus GP VIP package AND dinner for you and a friend with the artists and Luis Scott-Vargas! (After day 1 of the GP finishes). Dinner will be at the Capital Grille
VIPs currently include: RK Post, Clint Cearly and Chuck Lukacs as well as Luis Scott Vargas and Jason Lemahieu.
See all side event details here. Lots of fun stuff including a free mini master on Saturday afternoon for those of you who end up a little worse off than you’d like in the main event as well as the Super Sunday Series where you can win an invitation to a $20,000 exclusive event in Seattle January of 2015 and rub elbows with the R&D team.