MMS/PTQ weekend #2

Back to back awesome this weekend in the Minneapolis area!

Misty Mountain is hosting it’s last large Magic event in it’s current location, we move to new digs at the end of June (along with a name change to Legion Games!). So come out and help us say goodbye to Misty North before they tear the building down later this fall!

Midwest Masters Series Qualifier is on Saturday with registration at 9. Top 8 qualify for the MMS Championship at Gen Con, along with winning 4 day passes! Top 2 Qualify for the TCGPlayer $75,000 championship at Wizard World Chicago, Aug 11-14th.

Sunday take your shot at the Pro Tour Philadelphia Qualifier. Registration at 9am starts at 10!

We’re also running a Grand Prix Trial for the Kansas City Grand Prix during the afternoon of the PTQ on Sunday That event will be Sealed format and begin around 3pm.

Big weekend!


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