GP San Antonio Artist Interview – Clint Cearley #GPSanAntonio

Greetings all,

GP San Antonio is on the way this November 28-30, and we have four great artists coming to it.

I’ve interviewed each of these artists, and I want to kick off my interview series with one of my favorite reasons to go to Texas, Clint Cearley.

running portrait

Rob:  You’ve done quite a bit of Magic art (for the readers, you can see that art here). Are there any pieces that have a really interesting story or history behind them?

Clint:  A consistent theme throughout my work is that I reference myself for poses but I’m usually the person dying. I’ve been turned to dust in Bone to Ash, skewed with holy light in Righteous Blow, burned alive in Annihilating Fire and had my brain operated on in Trait Doctoring among others. I did take the opportunity to be the hero in Grapeshot and Notion Thief which balances out I think.

Graphshot-downsizedRob: Is there anything that has surprised you about doing Magic illustration? Is there anything you have been excited about in Magic illustration you don’t get from other illustrations?

Clint:  I was a little surprised to find out how many of the players are real art lovers. I’ve talked to many players who got into the game because of the art and have the same love for fantasy art that I have. Magic is also great because of the chance to meet the users of the art at events and that’s not always possible in the freelance art field. It’s easy to send off an image and it feel like it sort of evaporates into the aether but it doesn’t with Magic because I get to meet the people whose hands it goes to.

Rob: Are there any alters or signings you have done at events that are significant or memorable for you?

Clint:  Most of the signings and alters blur together to be honest but a couple stand out. You get alter requests for superheroes, steampunk, design work, the usual stuff but had one lady who wanted a lizard on Syncopate. Just a lizard sitting across her shoulders. I wasn’t expecting that request it all and that’s stuck with me.

Righteous-Blow-downsizedRob: Do you work traditionally, digitally, or both?

Clint:  I do both. I was trained in traditional media but have worked digitally for Magic. I still do some traditional pieces for myself.

Rob: What kind of modeling or references do you use when creating fantastic art? Are they any different than models you have used in non-fantastic pieces?

Clint:  I often use my webcam to take pose reference but I rarely have direct reference for any of the clothes or environment. That differs from traditional pieces where you usually have a physical or direct reference in front of you whether it’s a barn or portrait.

Rob: Do you have anything non-Magic related you want to talk about? Any interesting other projects you have done or are working on?

Clint:  I’ve long enjoyed talking and teaching art so I started a YouTube channel called Swatches. We discuss the business side of art, education, techniques and also do portfolio reviews and answer submitted questions. I’ve written one eBook on The 10 Most Common Mistakes in Digital Painting and Their Solutions and am in process of writing another and several videos.Quickling-downsized

Rob: Is there any way for players to get in touch with you outside of events to order alters or prints if they miss you at the Grand Prix?

Clint:  People can reach me on my Facebook at or order prints at I’m only available for alters and sketches while at events as I’m already busy when I get home which is a great reason to make it to events!


Thanks Clint!  I really look forward to seeing you at the GP – you made GP Dallas/Fort Worth a brighter event for me because of the great birthday alter you did for me, and it currently holds a place of pride in my binder.


As a reminder, you can register for GP San Antonio through our preregistration site.  If you just want to show up and say “hi” to Clint, you can do that for no charge – hall entry is free.

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